Tuesday, June 6, 2017

I Am 1 Again!

June 6th. Today is June 6th. Last year on June 6th I got a new lease on life. Last year I had my stem cell transplant on this day. So for that, today is my RE-birth day. I now celebrate my birthday twice a year. My original birthday. The date I was born into this world from my mothers womb is August 4th. That will forever be my actual age and birthday. But June 6th will from last year and for the rest of my life be my RE-birth day. The day I was given a new lease on life. The day my own clean stem cells gave me longer here with my loved ones. My family and my friends.

In the last year I have learned to slow down. It took me a while to really learn that, but that is the main thing I have learned. When I realize I need to slow down, I let Eric know and he will take over the early morning with Brandon so I can sleep in. He cooks and cleans. But the main thing is, he takes the early mornings. I have some days also where my body doesn't want to cooperate and that is when I take an extra day off work to rest my body while Brandon is at day care. Those 8 hours usually give my body enough time to recuperate and be replenished.

In the last year we really haven't done much. I have had to work and build up my vacation time and we have just been busy with my treatments every other week along with work. We did get to celebrate back in January with a short vacation where we went to Southern California to see family and a few friends and go to Disneyland and the beach. When we got to LA, we stopped at my great aunt Val's house to see her and so she could meet her great great nephew. We all, my great aunt Val and great uncle Al, Aunt Valerie and uncle Mike, dad and Linda and brother Lucas and Heather and Quinn all went to lunch. After lunch we made our way from Northridge to Long Beach and went to the beach. Brandon had a blast! He LOVES the water. He wanted to jump in fully clothed. He pretty much did. We ended up stripping him down to his diaper and let him get wet a little. Luckily my dad always has towels in his car. That night was an early night as we were all tired from the day. We were up early the next day for a full day at Disneyland. Brandon first trip and my celebration of being 7 months cancer free! That was amazing! The next day we left early in the morning to head home. Talk about a quick vacation.

Since then we haven't done a whole lot. Just the same old same everyday of working and treatment. No day trips other than a trip to the Folsom Zoo Sanctuary and a short trip up to see Brandon's first snow. Right now, I am able to celebrate my RE-birth day with  my step sons. We made cupcakes and everybody had 1 or 2 to celebrate my 1st birthday today. I had a large cupcake. A special one. One I ended up sharing with Brandon. We have my step-sons here for a month and tomorrow is our first big outing as a family to a place called Wake Island. It's a beach area and also has an inflatable aqua park on the water for the boys to play on. It's going to be a fun day and my first time out in the sun for a long period of time. Because of my transplant, I am more susceptible to skin cancer. So, I am prepared with a rash guard to wear in the water along with a large brim hat to wear. Not to mention my sunscreen. I am actually using special baby sunscreen to make sure I don't burn. I am prepared and ready for a fun day in the sun and water.

Next up is something I just found out about today. My youngest step brother is getting married this year. In October we get to take a trip to Southern California to his wedding. It is a little bit after Brandon's birthday, so maybe we can celebrate his birthday with that side of the family too while down there.

I am exhausted now though. It's been a long few days with a full house and it honestly is taking it's tole on my body each day. Mainly because it's more people to make sure are fed and getting enough food and are stimulated enough. But so far, I believe I am doing well keeping my step sons happy. It's tough since we have to work too while they are here,  but they have been very helpful with everything and keeping occupied. Now, I am off to bed to rest for the long family day ahead starting my 2nd year of RE-birth! Good night!

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