Two weeks ago we were in an accident. A 16 year old girl who had JUST gotten her license and was driving her friend (who was not 25 or older) home t-boned us and then rear ended us. This week we just got word that our car may end up being totaled. Something I am afraid of. I've been so stressed since the accident happened, knowing we had to get a new carseat for Brandon, I have a rental car and our car is in the shop and possibly going to be totaled.
Because of the stress I have learned something. When I am stressed out, my body doesn't want to cooperate. I'm achy, all over. Non stop for the last two weeks. Mainly my back, but that checked out to have no new fractures with an x-ray after the accident. All of this because of Multiple Myeloma. MM has caused my body to almost shut down. In stress, when sick, anything where the body is experiencing anything abnormal.
I know even more now, that I can not go back into dispatching. The stress of the job and the hours will not be good on my body. As much as I knew for a few months I couldn't go back into dispatching, it hits hard for me to know by feeling that I can not go back to a job I have had for so long and was/am good at. I felt like a natural when doing my job as a dispatcher. I have all my trainers and mentors to thank for that. Eddie Mitchell, Victor Tovar, Robinette Jewell, Teri Howell, Lorin Leverenz, and the list keeps going. They've all molded me to the dispatcher I am. But, my health is most important. Especially since I have Eric and Brandon to think about. They need me. And they need me to be healthy.
Now that I know I will never dispatch again, I need to thank this stressful time the 16 year old girl gave me. If we were never hit by her, I wouldn't be going through this stress. My body wouldn't be aching and making it hard to do things. My body would be my body. Because of MM and the accident, I have learned that I need to take it easy. Not stress too much. Too much stress shuts my body down. Makes it harder to play with and interact with Brandon. Now, I focus on trying to find another job. Since the position I am working in now is only temporary until October 10th.