I go every other week to get my chemo and once a month I get Zometa. It seems that recently I have been getting sick after treatment. I was able to narrow it down to chemo because it happens when I get just chemo and when I get both chemo and Zometa. I get this weird feeling. All three times it's happened now I get sick. Sick to where I throw up. But the last two times I have a dizzy feeling. The crazy thing is, it starts about an hour after I have had my treatment. To me that's fast. Before my transplant, I would get sick. But I would get sick three days after treatment. Treatment on Wednesday, sick on Saturday. Never failed. I was going to be sick three days later. Now, it's an hour later. Luckily it only lasts a day.
When I get sick, I have eaten. See, I have to eat in order to take my medication every day. On top of eating before I take my medication, I also have to take an anti nausea medication. Just so I don't get sick and throw up my medication. I've tried only eating and taking my medication and I get sick. I've even tried taking the anti nausea medication and then my regular medication, and I get sick. So, I have to eat and take that anti nausea medication. Luckily it's just one small pill.
At least I now know this will be happening. And because I know, I can prepare for it and plan my day for it. I tried taking a second anti nausea pill this last time, but it didn't work on most of the symptoms. It made it so I didn't throw up, but I was still dizzy and light headed. So, this week coming up, I know I will end up being sick and will have to adjust my day accordingly.
All the boys on the boat to Alcatraz
Brandon's first time on a boat
A few weeks ago I had my one year transplant check up at Stanford. We made a "weekend" out of it and went to San Fransisco the day before, which was Fathers Day. We spent a few hours on Alcatraz where it was a lot cooler than the actual city was. It was uncommonly hot. In the 80's, that day. On Alcatraz it felt about 10 degrees cooler. And so much better. After our time on Alcatraz, we went back to the car to get to the hotel which was an hour away and closer to Stanford. We wanted to get there and check in so we could relax and the boys could go swimming for a little while. We got to the hotel and checked in and got some food. When we got back, two of the boys went swimming and the rest of us relaxed and tried to get some rest.
The next day we had the continental breakfast the hotel had and then went back to the room to get ready for the day of my appointment at Stanford (which was going to be fast) and then to Pacifica to spend some time on the beach for a little bit. At my appointment I got the news that I could stop taking one of my medications. The thing is, I have to stay on it because of the chemo I am on. So, I really am still on it. But, I got the paperwork telling me what vaccines I can start getting. That's the big thing, getting my vaccines again. I am getting an immunity again.
After Stanford we got on the road to go to Pacifica. There, we had lunch at the Taco Bell on the beach and then let the boys spend some time playing in the sand and cold water. Brandon just wanted to wander around and see all the dogs and other people on the beach. He loves the sand. He will throw it on his head and do summersaults in it. After about an hour and a half Brandon was done and only wanted to be held. So, we had the bigger boys get cleaned up and we went to the cars to get ready to go. Eric and I were a little bit away from each other. I was ahead of him by maybe 30 minutes. On the way home he ended up in an accident with a motorcycle. He was changing lanes at about 5 mph when the motorcycle came up splitting lanes and hit him. After that he just had bad luck after bad luck. He, Ben and Kendel were finally home about 10pm that night. We were all ready to put that drive behind us.
The next day I sent my doctor a message saying I needed to start getting my vaccines. I ended up getting an appointment for that Friday. I now have a few of my vaccines. The flu shot I can't get until the fall when it is available. But I got the first of three Hep B shots and the Tdap and the tetanus shot. Next year I will get my Measles, Mumps and Rubella shot. That one waits until the second year after transplant.
Family picture on the beach in Pacifica
Todays post was just an update about what is going on now. Since it's further in between any kind of updates these days. Which is good when you think about it.