Last year was my first Mother's Day. But honestly, it felt just like any other day since I was going through my transplant process. I had just had a high dose of chemo and had just gotten home from Stanford. We were all exhausted and because of my immune system, we couldn't go anywhere. I was on a strict diet of not eating out. Everything had to be carefully and fully cooked and there were certain foods I couldn't have. Not to mention, I had to wear a filtered mask whenever we left the house or I wasn't in the infusion center. So, my Mother's Day last year consisted of naps and just sitting around the house. Eric and I did run to the hospital because I had to get a few prescriptions and my friend Julie helped us out and came over and watched Brandon for a little bit. That way we could relax and nap also. That was all of Mother's Day 2016. My first as a humans mommy.
After breakfast and presents, I got ready for the day. Then, left to go get a much needed pedicure. As I was leaving, Brandon kept blowing me kisses. It's the kind of kisses I get these days from him since he seems to be backing away from the actual kisses. I wanted to go as early as I could because I had a feeing they would be busy today. I was right. I seemed to get there at just the right time though. I was after a big rush and before the next big rush. Lots of mothers with their daughters. It felt good getting a pedicure. I don't splurge on too much pampering for myself outside of the house and the last time I had a pedicure, I hate to say, was September of 2015. Just before Brandon was born. I got a chocolate mint pedicure. Very hydrating and soothing. I love when they massage your legs and feet before applying the polish and after all the scrubbing.
When I got home from my pedicure, Brandon was napping. He needed the nap because he was getting really fussy before I left for my pedicure. He was asleep for about an hour after I got home and woke up happy and excited to see me. So, we got up, Eric got dressed while I got Brandon dressed and then we were out and off on our adventure for Mother's Day. We went to the mall to pick up my wedding ring that we were hoping could be fixed, but found out it can not be fixed. That is ok, as I have a new ring to be my wedding ring. After we picked that ring up, we went to the jewelry store Eric got my ring and earrings at. It's a new store calls Na Hoku. It's jewelry of the islands. I probably took a good 45 minutes to look at everything they have in that store. Eric and I agree, this is our jewelry store. I honestly don't want to get anything from another store. All the pieces were so beautiful. I want a necklace that is a mama sea turtle with baby sea turtle attached. Not to mention, so many more earrings, rings, bracelets, and necklaces. I don't know how I could ever wear all of it, but I would try. I have never been one to wear a lot of jewelry because I could never find much that I liked. But this store has everything that I love!
After the mall we had dinner at The Yard House. As always, Eric and I ordered off the appetizer menu because even the appetizers are big enough to be real meals. We didn't know until the end of dinner, but all Mothers got a free dessert today for Mother's Day. I ended up with a chocolate soufflé with vanilla ice cream. I thought they knew I wanted it to go but was happy they brought it to me on the plate because it was decorated with a message on the plate that said "Cheers To Mom!" I had a few bites then packaged it up, payed the bill and off we went to come home to relax some more and to bed early for all of us.
He actually gave me a kiss at dinner!!!
The only problem I had all day was my stiff neck. I started to get it yesterday and woke up with a very stiff/kinked neck this morning. The massage chairs at the nail salon helped a little, but it still hurts like crazy. Heat and ice it is and a little massaging. Now, off to sleepy land as I have a very early morning. To all my mommy friends and family out there, whether human or fur or feather or scales, Happy Mother's Day!