Goofy boy with daddy's sweat band on Grandpa Hoover
I think this post is long overdue. I've been diagnosed for 10 months now with Multiple Myeloma. Of course, it's turned our world upside down. What cancer doesn't do that to any person or family? Since my diagnosis and since we came out and let people know about it, we have had an outpouring of help. So many people. No matter how small the gesture or help or how big, have helped us out in one way or another.
All smiles with Nanny & Grandpa Hoover
There are people who made food for us. That's something we really didn't think about. It's helped a lot in the sense that it's one last thing we've had to think about. We just pull that meal out of the freezer or refrigerator and heat it up. No thinking in what to make or what ingredients to get. Just turn on the oven and let it do the work. And the meals we've gotten have been delicious! And really, if you'd like, you can keep them coming. At least a few. We have a counter depth refrigerator, so there's not as much storage in our freezer and refrigerator spots.
Being silly with Grandpa Hoover
To those who have spent a few hours just hanging out. So I could rest or even we end up talking and catching up. Even those small mental breaks have helped. Especially when Eric or myself can sleep. We don't sleep very well lately. Between Brandon and not knowing what's next with treatment to not knowing if I'm going to be sick the next morning or not. It makes it tough to get a full good nights sleep. We expected it with having a new baby. We were ready to deal with that part, but then the cancer diagnosis came and that made things even worse. So, the time spent with us or even letting us sleep has been very much appreciated.
Visiting in the hospital
In front of the apartments after visiting mommy
To the friends and family who took Brandon for the day so Eric and I could have some alone time. We know Brandon had so much fun with you guys. From the pictures and your texts. Not to mention, his attitude when you brought him back to us. It shows how much love he has in his life. How many people love and adore him. We like to think he's such a calm and easy baby because of us, when really, it's you guys also. He has such a great "family" unit around him. Teaching him. Helping him grow. He definitely knows how much he's loved. And we can see it also.
Grandpa Kevin and the Minion
Koi fish with Grandpa Kevin
Doggie statue with Grandpa Kevin
Then there are those of you who help from afar. Those who live miles and miles away. Who are not able to physically be here to help. Thank you for the gift cards for restaurants, grocery stores, VISA gift cards, etc. Believe me, they are appreciated beyond words. It gives Eric and I a date night. It gives us a little extra when we may be running low on funds due to prescriptions and copays. It helps us get formula, food and diapers for Brandon in those times also.
Sleepy visiting mommy
Smiley for Grandpa Kevin
Last, the help we've had while at Stanford. Our neighbor who helped take care of the dogs while we were gone. We and the dogs love you for it. We were so worried about who would take care of them and afraid we were going to have to board them. Which would mean more money. Then, to my dad for coming up to Stanford and when we lost the apartment, staying and helping here at home with Brandon until you had to get back. We appreciate and love you so much for that. To my mother and father in law for coming all those weeks or days to Stanford to help us with Brandon also. And making all the meals for us. All of it is so much appreciated. I know for all of you, my dad and my mother and father in law, you had to take time away from your regular days/weeks to come to Stanford. For that, we appreciate it so much. And I know it makes Brandon and yourselves happy to be able to spend that time with him. He's growing and developing so fast right now, you all got to be apart of it. If at least for a little bit.
With Grandpa Kevin
To everybody, and especially our parents, thank you! Everything is so much appreciated and I don't think we can tell you enough. Thank you and we love you all!
With Grandpa Hoover & Cousin Alyssa