Saturday, February 18, 2017

Cancer Concerns

On Facebook I am on a few Multiple Myeloma support groups. Places where I can go and ask questions and get support from other MM warriors. One thing I am noticing lately in them is some of the patients are getting diagnosed with other cancers now. Most of them have had MM for a few years already, but now they are getting another cancer. Most common one so far is another blood cancer. A leukemia.

I was told before my transplant that a few common second cancers I could get were breast cancer and skin cancer. Since then, I do self breast exams every other day and if I'm going to be outside, I wear sunscreen and cover up as most comfortable as I can. Luckily, right now, it is winter and it has been cold. So, I have been wearing long sleeves and sweatshirts or sweaters a lot. On the breast cancer side, so far I am not feeling anything. Which is good. Although, I am a little more careful now also since my aunt (my fathers sister) was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now, after seeing how different MM warriors are being diagnosed with a form of leukemia, I guess I need to worry about that too.

With leukemia, it's more common to have an allogenic transplant, or allo transplant. An also transplant is where you get stem cells which are used to help build new bone marrow, from a donor. Unlike leukemia, MM uses the autologous transplant, or auto, as the most common. An auto transplant is what I had back in June. That is where I as given high doses of chemotherapy to kill off any and all of the cancer in my blood and then they took my clean good stem cells out to give back to me. I was my own donor. There are more complications if an MM patient has an allo transplant over an auto transplant. The body can reject the stem cells. Even if it was a perfect match.

I'm scared/worried now that I could get a leukemia. AML, or Acute Myeloid Leukemia is the words I've seen thrown around. AML progresses rapidly with myeloid cells interfering with the production of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. It is treatable. By chemotherapy, other drug therapy and stem cell transplant. I know when I went through my hospital stay because I got sick after my transplant I was telling myself I didn't want to go through that again. The thing is, I would. I have had a better quality of life since my transplant than I did before it.

I know I shouldn't worry about it. At least until it actually happens. But it's a concern I have. I know that no matter what, whatever cancer I have, I will fight. I will fight hard and win. I have a husband and son who depend on me to be there for them. No cancer will take me away from them so soon.

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