Sunday, February 26, 2017

Writing A Book

I'm coming up on almost a year since I started this blog. It's intent was to give a spot. One spot, where people can go for updates about me and my cancer and the treatment I was going through. As I started writing, people suggested I should write a book. To write a book about what I've written in this blog. Basically turning my blog into a book.

The only thing I need to do now is make the time to take the blog posts I want to put in the book and put them together. Then fill in some places I missed or cut out at the time. I know the sooner the better, but it's hard when you're scared. Yes, I admitted it. I'm scared. I never thought of writing a book until people started suggesting it when I started the blog. I never thought I was book writing material. I figured my blog was like a thinking out loud diary for everybody to read. It started with Eric telling me I should turn it into a book. Then, my mother in law and a few other people agreed.

But, I'm scared. I think I'm scared because it's my life. It's my life I would be putting out there for even more people to read. It would be a good thing though at the same time. It was get it out there that my cancer is not just in elderly men anymore. It can happen at any age. Even while pregnant. It can happen in the healthiest of people also. So why am I so scared? I think I'm so scared because I'm afraid I will put so much time into the book and nobody would want to buy it. Nobody would want to read it. So much time and it would go nowhere.

If I wrote my book it would be a good thing, too. Like I said before, it would get it out there that it's not just for elderly men. I could help people know what to look for. I could give others hope on how to live your life while living with this cancer. It's not easy some days, but it can be done. I think what I need to know is, if I wrote a book. Would you read it? Would you buy it and read it? I feel like I need to know that it wouldn't just sit there. I'd want to know that people will actually read it. Then, I would go on trying to write a children's book. Maybe a children's book about a girl and boy with cancer and they are super heroes. Something. Something for those going through treatment for childhood cancer. Something to give them hope. Would you buy a book like that for your children? Something that would help healthy children know that those with cancer are not contagious. They are the same as you and me, they are just sick. Would you buy a book like that for your children. These are the things I need to know before I write these books. Before I let my life and thoughts out there for everybody in the world. Would you buy these books?

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