Sunday, August 14, 2016

Day +Sixty Something

As the days go on, I actually lose count as to what day it actually is. I always mean to put it in my calendar on my phone, but I forget. I guess you can call that "chemo brain". I seem to forget a lot if I don't write down right away. One thing being Brandon's milestones. I remember when he took his first step. It was my birthday. I remember when he actually walked by himself for the first time, that was last Thursday while all three of us were sitting in Brandon's room playing and he walked, unassisted, from Eric to me. I saw it out of the corner of my eye. Eric, head on. He climbed MOST of the stairs today on his own. Only to look back and see me and decide to crawl back to me. Rolling down 2 steps. He's ok. He didn't even cry, much. But I can't for the life of me, remember the exact day he stood by himself on his own. I know it was a week or two before he took his first step. This "chemo brain" has really got me.

Speaking of "chemo brain", it's going to happen for about 2 years still. Yep. I will be in maintenance chemo for 2 years. Let's hope that my MM stays away for that long...actually, MUCH longer would be nice. So far, so good. I guess you can say I am in complete response. But, until my 100 days is up (which is September 15th, I do remember that day), I will still say I am fighting MM. Although, I will ALWAYS be fighting it. It won't go away. So, I will be fighting it as in maintaining my levels and helping get my immune system back to where it should be. Which, is in another 30 something days or so. That's not bad. Considering it feels like I just had my transplant not long ago. But, to think it was just over two months ago now is amazing. I'm over the half way point. And feeling and doing great!

For now, the posts will probably be further apart. I mean, there has to be something to write about in order to write. I'll probably do another one later in the week. My 1 year anniversary of diagnosis is coming up. Hard to believe that it's been 10 months since Brandon was born and yet on the 19th I will have been diagnosed for 1 year and was 28 weeks pregnant with this cutie. He has really completed our family. I can't imagine life without him now. Sometimes I feel like an over protective mom. Other times I know I am letting him figure things out for himself. Over protection comes from making sure he doesn't fall off the bed or roll down the stairs. Both of which I haven't been too protective over the last few days. But, I can't always be right there.

Thank you for reading again. I know you don't have to. And some people probably wonder why I even put my life out there to read. It was originally to inform people about MM. Now it's more of informing people about my life with MM and my family. Letting you know what we are doing now. So, thank you!

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