Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Vertebroplasty, Part 2

Well, last week I wrote about the procedure and that I would be having it done on Monday the 5th. Today is the day after the procedure. And I'll tell ya, I feel AMAZING! Other than the bruising like pain, but that will go away.

Comfy Lularoe outfit for the day

Yesterday I woke up at 7:30am just so I could take my medication. I was told I couldn't eat anything after midnight and I could have clear liquids up until 8am. So, I woke up and drank a lot of water and took my 4 medicines. Then I started to get ready for the day. I took a long hot shower as I took my last soaking bubble bath for a while the night before. I knew that I wanted to wear comfy clothes and what came to mind was my Lularoe leggings, Carly dress (a big loose dress you can accessorize any way you want) and a Joy vest just because. After I got dressed, still letting Brandon and Eric sleep a little, I took care of Kahlua. Took her outside, got her fed and watered. While she ate, it was time to get Eric and Brandon up. Brandon was going to be going to day care for the day and grandpa Bill was going to pick him up for us, since we didn't know how long we would be. Brandon wakes up so happy. It's crazy since he can be grumpy in the middle of the night when he wakes up on his own and wants a bottle. But come morning, he will wake up smiling and happy and sometimes giggly. I got him dressed and took him downstairs so I could feed him before day care. Of course, after he was done eating and as I asked Eric if he wanted me to drop him off, he decides to give me a nasty diaper. So, he made us a little late to day care, but that was ok. I dropped him off and was giving Kourtney information and as I started to walk towards the door, Brandon decided he was to go with me. Kourtney had to grab him and hug him so I could leave. There were no tears, just the want to go with mommy.

 In my hospital gown

 Sleepy hubby

Our typical hospital selfie

I got back to the house, Eric had breakfast and we were off to exchange an item we got at a store and then off to the hospital for my procedure. As the time got closer, I wasn't just excited, but I was nervous at the same time. I think I was nervous about the possible pain (which I know would be nothing compared to the pain was dealing with on a day to day basis already) and the possibility that the cement could go where it shouldn't go and get in my bloodstream that goes to my lungs. All of which are probable but not necessarily possible. We sat, waiting to be admitted. Really, to check me in. After I was all checked in, we waited a few minutes for my nurse and then she took us down to the basement where the procedure would take place. I should say, this wasn't at the regular Kaiser hospital we go to in Roseville. This took place at the older Kaiser hospital in Sacramento. So, a lot of procedure rooms and doctors offices are in the basement. I got changed into my hospital gown and got my hair net thing on and my nurse started to take my pulse, temperature and blood pressure. After that was all done, she got my IV started. Where I would get fluid and the medicine to help kind of knock me out. She went to get the doctor so he could explain the procedure. He came in, explained what he was going to do and what the side effects could be. He also showed us my MRI from not long ago which showed the vertebrae that was going to get the cement. It was my L2. You can see the difference in that vertebra compared to the rest. It's almost like it was disintegrated. Eric got a picture for me since I had already given him my purse with phone in it to take with him while I had the procedure done.

My back, before

Finally, Eric was to leave and go and wait for me and my nurse took me back into the procedure room. As I got in there, I was asked what kind of music I liked. I mentioned the 80's and 90's and mentioned a few artists. We started with Journey. To be honest, the last part of a song I remember is Journey "Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world. Took the midnight train going anywhere". After that, I just remember the hammering. I had gotten the happy juice. The juice that helped me stay calm through it all. I wasn't totally out. I was able to hear what was going on but not necessarily the music through the whole procedure. I could even feel some of it, but not the painful stuff. I could feel the pressure of the doctor hammering into my back, but because of the local anesthetic, it wasn't painful. Honestly, it felt like the whole procedure took about 10 minutes and then I was done and being wheeled into the recovery room.

My back before and after, before on left, after on right

The nurse called Eric to come back down so I could be discharged and the doctor came in and showed me the difference in the MRI's. Basically, the before and the after. It's amazing the difference in my vertebrae. Although, it may look like it would give me some height back, the procedure does not do that. Too bad. Guess I will be 5'4" from now on. All I can do is stand tall and make myself look taller. Hehe! I will say, I didn't feel any bone pain at this point. The only thing I felt at this point was the bandage. It felt/feels weird where it's at. It will stay there for a while. I was told I could shower but I could not take a bath for a while, until the small hole has healed up where the needle went in to put the cement in my back.

On the drive home, the only discomfort I had was the bandage on my back. We got home, and as the night went on, my back slowly started to hurt. Not the bone pain I had before, but the soreness pain from the procedure. The soreness really hit around 10pm. That was once the local anesthetic really wore off. So, all night I was in pain. The different pain. When the nurse called this morning to check on me, I described the pain and she said that's the right pain. It's kind of like being in a fight and having bruises. Like a bruising pain. Not the bone pain I once had. So much better. Eric gave me one of my pain meds before he took Brandon to day care this morning and I was able to finally sleep some. When I woke up at about 12:30 or so, the bruising pain ad gone down and there is still no bone pain. I almost feel like it's too good to be true. All of this. That the pain will be back tomorrow or something. I need to remember, it's fixed, for now. Yes, it can come back in a few years, but for now the bone pain is gone and I will be able to live a normal life again.

Now, off to get cleaned up and make a run to Target before I go and get Brandon from day care. I can make a delicious dinner tonight and not hurt while making it. I can do the dishes and clean up afterwards and not be in pain. I can be a normal human being again. And for that, I am grateful.

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