Tuesday, October 18, 2016

First Week Back To Work

Last week was my first week back to work. Monday was tough. Not just for me, but for Brandon too. I was expecting him to stay asleep and sleep through me getting ready for work and leaving. Of course, that's in a perfect world. That didn't happen. He woke up while I was in the shower. Almost as soon as I got in the shower. I could hear him crying/whining the whole time. Eric got him and tried to console him, feed him, cuddle him. Whatever would work. Nothing worked. I got out of the shower and got some clothes on and he came to the end of the bed reaching for me to pick him up. So, I did for a little bit. He played his head on my shoulder and wrapped his legs around my waist. Well, as far as his legs would reach. He calmed down and I put him back on the bed with Eric so I could finish getting ready. He immediately started to cry. But, I still finished getting ready.

Getting into cabinets

Once ready, I snuggled Brandon a little more and then went downstairs so I could eat, make coffee, take Kahlua out, and make my lunch. The whole time I was downstairs I could hear him crying. It was breaking my heart. But, I knew it would be good for him. Not the crying, but me going to work. He was going to have his Nanny and Grandpa Hoover. I did go back up stairs to brush my teeth and try one more time to calm him down. Which, I was successful, for about 15 minutes. I was walking out the door when I heard him start up again. Eric reassured me he would be ok as I left. I knew he would, but it was tough leaving knowing it would be for several hours, not just an hour or so.

Family walk

A little later I got a text from Eric while I was at work. It was a picture of Brandon getting into the cabinets in the bathroom and smiling. Eric told me that he was whining off and on all morning, but he was doing good. That made me feel better. But I still missed him. All the cuddling we used to do all day. Playing together. Watching Minions. Everything. I missed hearing his laugh.

 Before shots

When I got home I was hoping for the big smile and yell of excitement while he was walking towards me. I didn't get that. He was taking a nap at that time. I felt like I missed out on what Eric gets when he comes home from work. It was just another day of me coming home. No big deal. I was right there though when he woke up. Standing over the pack n play he was napping in. He finished rubbing his eyes and when they focused and saw me, there was the big smile I had wanted 30 minutes prior. He started to stand up and reached for me. I got my snuggles I was waiting all day for.

Big boy after shots

The next day was a lot easier. He stayed asleep through me getting ready for work and leaving. Same went for Wednesday. Thursday I had to bring him downstairs with me since Eric worked early too and so Nanny and Grandpa got up to spend the day with him. As I left, he could care less. Friday came and I went to work a little late since he had his 1 year well baby check up and shots. Everything went well at the appointment except he didn't like being held down to get his shots. But he is a growing boy. 24 pounds 6.9 ounces and 31 inches tall. He's right where he should be. Our perfect little man.

Weekend family fun

I was off early from work that day too since there wasn't anything I could do without my co-workers there. So, I was home by about 4:30pm or so. We got to spend the evening as a family all together. It felt good. We ran to Target and got Taco Bell for dinner. And, the best thing, it was family time while it was raining outside. We all love the rain. Once home we all decided it was bed time after a long week. In the end, it was a successful first week back to work. Just a few hiccups in the beginning. All weekend Brandon was really needy, but we think it was a combination of me being gone all week and his shots. He just wanted to cuddle up with mommy and sometimes daddy. I was willing to take it. Now, we are on to the second week of work for me and so far so good. He's asleep when I get up and leave. Definitely makes it easier.

 Last night

This morning

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