Thursday, October 6, 2016

My Baby Boy Turns One

1 year ago today

Never in my wildest dreams would I have figured I would get the chance to stay home and raise my child for their first year. My "plan" (as many moms to be have when pregnant) was to have Brandon without surgery, be off for 3 months with him and then go back to work. ALL of my "plans" were derailed with my cancer diagnosis.

My diagnosis changed my birthplace and how long I would be off work with Brandon. Instead of having him vaginally, I had a c-section. Instead of breastfeeding him, he was bottle fed formula. Instead of taking only 3 months off with him, I had a full year. Not many moms get that, and I am grateful I did. Even if it was because of my cancer diagnosis. My boy is my lifesaver. He found my cancer. The way I was able to repay him was to be off work and home, with him, for a full year. Cancer has been a blessing in disguise so to say.

With all of that, today was low key. Brandon had been getting gifts all week from family. Today, Eric had to work, but luckily only until 3:15pm. He had the early shift today. When he got home he rested a little while I ran out to get a balloon and small cake for tonight. Finally, Eric and I had dinner and since we wanted to give Brandon his gift and then go on a walk, we decided it was time since we were all falling asleep. Eric brought Brandon's gift in from the garage and he was so excited. It was like he remembered it from the store. I could hear the dialogue in his head "IT'S THE ONE! THE ONE I WANTED! THEY REALLY DID GET IT FOR ME! IT'S ALL MINE!" He was so happy. Eric put him in it and he had a smile on his face. Looking around and everything. What we got him was the Little Tikes Cozy Truck. A truck he could sit in and for now, we will push it, but eventually he will be able to use it with his own feet. We took it outside and off we went on a  family walk. A few times we would look down and catch him with one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on the door of the truck. At one point we went down a small hill and the picture I got looked like he was turning the steering wheel. He had a blast. When we got back, he decided to climb back in. He didn't want to get out, but we still had cake to get to.

Cake was a whole other animal. He isn't too sure about the cakes. He fingers at them and then starts wiping the frosting all over the place. We had to feed him some of the cake to get the hang of it. So funny. Although, he did try to grab the candle. That was on fire. That was moved back real fast. Because he wiped the frosting all over himself, it was bath time, which Eric is taking care of for me since my back is killing me. Makes it hard at times to bend over the bathtub to wash or play with Brandon.

Monday will be the end of my full year home with Brandon. Monday I start back to work. I will be working with the telecom unit for State Parks Monday thru Friday regular hours. It's even a little bit closer to home. About 30 minutes away instead of an hour away.  I will get to be home with Brandon at night and on the weekends. Maybe make some plans to do some indoor swim lessons or something. Just for the few months we have me working this job as it's a temporary position. In the meantime, I will get more experience in office work and will continue to apply to other office type jobs.

I am 122 days post transplant and feeling great. It was well worth all the heartache and tough times in May and June to get here, post transplant, and cancer FREE...for now. I am hoping to stay in complete response for a long time to come. Now, to work on getting my vaccinations again. You know, all the shots our kids get that we got growing up? Yep, I get to get those all over again. My transplant wiped me clean! So, for now, I enjoy life with my family. And slowly get back to a new/old routine.

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