Sunday, April 24, 2016

Date Day

As the crazy busy time gets closer, Eric and I thought we should have a date. The last time we had a date was his work Christmas party the end of January. That was the first time we left Brandon with anybody. Of course we picked Jeff and Christina, my brother and sister in law. Eric's sister. For one, they are family, and two, they live close to us. We were lucky since throughout the night, it was only 4 hours, we would get updates and pictures. They understood what we were going through and how we felt.

So, fast forward 3 months and we decide a week before life gets crazy busy that we need a date. Just the two of us. Our "dates" are usually spent at Kaiser or running errands, so we decided to do lunch and a movie. The last movie we saw in the theater? I honestly can't remember. It's been that long for us. So, we asked Jeff and Christina and they said yes. We decided to make it an afternoon date since it was a school/work night for them.

Our day started early. We were up just before 8am to get ready because we had a few things to do before we dropped Brandon off. I decided to get in the shower before breakfast and Eric was going to take care of the dogs. Now, he always starts the coffee for us before he takes them out. I was upstairs still playing with Brandon until he was done with the dogs. When he came up, he brought me my coffee. Already had the creamer in it, then took Brandon downstairs so I could shower. Best thing, I had my coffee while I showered. The last time that happened was while I was still working and before I was pregnant. It was really nice. The shower wakes me up, but so does coffee.

After I showered, I went downstairs and Eric was finishing up feeding Brandon. Since he needed to shower also, I decided to make us breakfast while he showered. It's only right to repay him, right? I'll be honest here, I used to not eat breakfast. I only started to in the last 2 years. It really started when I started doing the Beachbody workouts. I was drinking Shakeology every morning. When I got pregnant I moved my Shakeology to a snack and would have eggs or a breakfast sandwich or oatmeal for breakfast. When I got diagnosed, I continued eating breakfast. The same healthy things I usually have. But now it is so much more. I need to eat breakfast in order to take my pills in the morning. If I don't eat, I get sick. So, long story, I made us breakfast. When that was done, I finished getting ready and we were off.

My breakfast helper

First stop, CostCo. We had some business to take care of for all the busy medical stuff coming up. Unfortunately, the person we needed to see wasn't there and we were going to have to go back later. We dropped Brandon off at Jeff and Christina's and off to lunch and a movie. Originally I wanted Mexican food, but we were running out of time, so it was Greek food. Quick but really good lunch. We hadn't had Daphne's in a few years. Then, off to see a new Melissa McCarthy movie "The Boss". Pretty funny, as usual. We love Melissa McCarthy. We have since we saw her on Mike & Molly. I recently realized that she was on Gilmore Girls also.

Family picture

Our date day went by pretty fast, but we both agreed, it was a really nice day and MUCH needed. After we picked up Brandon, it was back to CostCo. We took care of what we needed to and then it was home. Once home, our "date" kept going. We cleaned up, or started to clean the house so I have a clean place to be once my transplant it done. Cleaning with a baby around is tough. Sometime we wear him, other times we just let him play and when he needs us, he lets us know.

End of the day watching the thunder storm

Today, was another good day. Between the date and cleaning with my family. It was a good day. Relaxing, surprisingly. Amazing how cleaning can be relaxing. Now, for a good nights sleep before this preparation week gets busy. Making lists of calls I need to make and things I need to do. Along with making something nice for all the amazing nurses and receptionists at Kaiser Oncology for Wednesday. It is my last day there for a while. I'm going to miss all of them.

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