Friday, November 18, 2016

A Full Week

Friday. The day most everybody looks forward to. Luckily for me, since I am not working in dispatch right now, I can now look forward to Fridays also. With it being Friday, it marks one full week of Brandon being in day care all day. From 9am until just after 4pm with the exception of today. Today he was there at 7:30am when she "opens" her home to day care. It's been a great week for him and he's developed so much in that time. He now waves "bye bye" with his arm out instead of the "Hitler" pose he did before. Arm out not waving it up and down or side to side at all. He eats on his own more and more solid foods. Today we were told he REALLY likes peanut butter sandwiches. Guess that means we need to get him his own bread and make him some sandwiches from time to time. He even had lumpia yesterday when I picked him up. He's making friends and Kourtney and Casey are amazing. I love their spirit and drive and ability to know what's going on with the kids and also talk to us parents if they need to at the same time. My kinda people.

With Brandon being in day care, it means he is actually napping there. Anywhere from 2-3 hour naps. I think it really depends on how he sleeps the night before to be honest. And this last week has been really rough. Rough because he's teething. He will fall asleep just fine around 8:30-9pm, but will wake up 4 hours later or so and the rest of the night he is tossing and turning and moaning and whining. We originally thought he was hungry, but then quickly realized it's because his mouth hurts. It really bothers him at night. Probably because he's not playing and being distracted and all I can imagine is that it starts cutting and throbbing. Poor guy. I wish I could take the pain away. This morning he was cranky before I took him over to Kourtney's and I could tell it was because he was tired. Hopefully this weekend and Monday can recharge him before his one day with Kourtney and Casey on Tuesday and then grandpa Kevin on Wednesday.

Because Brandon hasn't been sleeping well, I haven't bee sleeping well. At all. I am averaging about 5 hours of sleep at night because of his tossing and turning (he starts in his crib and ends up in our bed). He tosses and kicks and rolls all over me. Ok, mainly me. Sometimes Eric. But mostly me. I'm such a light sleeper that this keeps me up and I have to be up at 5:15am. With his shenanigans starting at 2am. So you can imagine how much sleep I'm really getting. Most of it starts when he first falls asleep and I am done doing my mom stuff before bed. Hence the hope he recharges and the tooth stops hurting him over this weekend.

Because I haven't been sleeping, my body isn't getting rest. When my body doesn't get rest, it starts to hurt. And so you guessed it! My whole body is a mess right now. Luckily I was able to get in a hot relaxing bath tonight before I got into bed and started to write. It really does help. It loosens me up. Especially with how cold it's getting at night this week. My medicine can only help so much, the bath and my doTerra Deep Blue rub help the rest of the way. The rub helps even though my pain is in my bones. It's crazy.

So, over this weekend we are supposed to have rain. That means we will be inside more and we will need to find things to do, which I have things to do, but Brandon makes them harder as he likes to pull things apart and make a mess while I am cleaning them up. But, we will get through it. He is the best thing to ever happen to me other than Eric. And he is growing. I am cherishing his little person time as much as I can. So, he can make a mess. I will clean it up when he naps.

Well, I am going to attempt to get some sleep now too. Brandon is already tossing around in his crib so I should attempt sleep before he wakes up.

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