Thursday, November 10, 2016


It's getting harder and harder to write lately. Mainly because work and then mommy hood. By the time I can write, I am too tired and honestly, don't have anything to write about. My life now isn't that exciting to where I have stuff to tell. My labs are all looking great. My health is doing well, except for a little hiccup last week. I can't work in my dispatch center due to all the dust and dirt there. I figured a few minutes at the center to pick up my paycheck last week would be fine. I was there for about 15 minutes tops and on the way back to work I started to get a scratchy throat, coughing and stuffy nose. The next morning it was a little worse. I slept a lot of that day and then I was better. Not all the way better, but enough to be able to go back to work. It's crazy how fast it happened. It just shows where my immune system is and that I can't be around that stuff.

Work is going well. I took a test to get on the list for another position and I scored a 95%. Pretty darn good if you ask me. So, now I'm on the list for that job and I've been putting in applications for that position with different departments. Then, I find out yesterday that where I am working is trying to keep me. Which means they are going to work hard at trying to create a position they need so I can stay there. That's really the ideal place. Location, co-workers, etc. I love it all. So, now we wait and see.

Brandon is doing great. He's learning more and more every day. Although, his sleep schedule could use a little work, he plays all day and tells us when he's hungry or tired by different cries or whines. He's starting to understand us more too. When we say "Are you hungry?" he will stop whining and wait. We put him in his high chair and he waits for us to get the food. If he's really hungry he will continue to whine, but we try to catch it fast. If it's bottle time, which now is before bed, then we show it to him and he will pull out his pacifier and open his mouth. He can hold his own bottle, but is usually lazy about it and wants us to hold it. We gotta work on that with him because we will not always be there when he gets a bottle and he needs to do it himself. He LOVES his truck. We got him a Little Tikes Cozy Truck. One of those car/truck things that we can push him around in or take the floorboard out and he can use his feet to push himself around in it. When Eric is home at night we go on family walks where we push him around the neighborhood in it and he just smiles and giggles. We leave it in the living room and throughout the day he will get in it and just sit in it to watch tv or just play. It's a crack up to watch.

Eric is doing good. It'c coming up on their busy season at work. So we can expect him to have more hours. He's been collecting sports cards (baseball, football, basketball, hockey, etc) to eventually give to Brandon. He will look at a card then look it up and see how much it is worth and then also some facts about that player. He is a wealth of knowledge. I love he is a sponge and can learn anything fast and remember it. It will be great for Brandon when he is older.

I have started to write my children book I want to write. I do want to find somebody who is good at art and can draw to help out and have half credit in the book. It is not easy to get what I want for that book down on paper. I have so many ideas. The way I want to book to go and the age group I want the book for. I want a boy version and a girl version. But the whole premise of the book is the same. All I can say is, it's tough. Especially while working full time and then my other full time career of being a mom. Brandon loves the computer and is always wanting to type while I am. So that makes getting the book underway harder. But I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.

For now, I work, enjoy time with Eric and Brandon and write when I can. If something happens, I will let you know. For now, the saying "No news is good news" is implied here.

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