Monday, November 14, 2016

Family Pictures

Last year my friend Brian Baer took pictures of us. Well, just Eric and me with Brandon still in my belly. That was my first experience at having family pictures taken by somebody other than myself with a wireless remote for the camera. Or a selfie. Of course, aside from the wedding pictures. For Brandon's first birthday I had my friend Robyn take pictures of him. Wearing his "1" onesie and then in nothing but a diaper with a smash cake. So much fun. I thought of us doing family pictures in the back of my head really since Eric isn't too keen on doing pictures. He does them to make me happy. When he saw the pictures of Brandon, he really liked them and asked if she does family pictures. He said we should do family pictures too. So, I got excited, made sure he was up for it, and got the time scheduled! I figured after I got paid so we had the money for it. I picked out the colors we would wear with some help from handy dandy Pinterest. I picked the colors we did because A) I LOVE blue. It's my favorite color. All shades really. B) I had two tops already with the burgundy color or blue and white in them, so I didn't have to shop too much. And C) the burgundy means so much more to me now since it is the color of Multiple Myeloma Awareness.

I asked for help from my friend Karen on which top I should wear. She picked the burgundy and white striped one but add a burgundy scarf. I could do that. I found one at Khols, then a better one at my favorite little boutique here in town, Bayabelle. Where I also found a blue sweater to wear with my outfit (which was approved by Karen). You see, I'm not great on if it's too much or too little. This ended up being just right! When we were at Khols, we also got Eric a nice blue long sleeve shirt and a nice pair of jeans (all of his jeans have grease spots from work) and Brandon a cute blue plaid onesie. He looks so good in plaid. I was pretty impressed with myself for being ready for pictures early.

The morning came and we headed off for our pictures at the same park/trail we did Brandon's 1 year pictures at. I loved all the oaks and the trail and grassy areas. Along with the bridge. You can't go wrong with a bridge. We got a lot of great pictures that day. And let me tell ya, she got a really good one of me with Brandon. See, as moms, most of us are behind the camera unless we do the selfie thing. But that's not professional (well, if you ware my friend Kristy, you could be a professional selfie!) and not your full body or close to it really. Eric takes pictures sometimes, but let's face it, I'm the photographer in our little family. So, all of the pictures turned out amazing, but I absolutely love this one of me. It's ok to toot your own horn every now and then. Just not too much, then you're considered conceited. At least to me you are. Just my opinion. So, here are a few of the pictures from that day. Now, to decide which one or ones will be on our Christmas card. Hmmmm.....

 This is the picture I was talking about

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