Monday, May 23, 2016

Low Key

Darth Vaders daughter...haha

It's been a few days since I wrote. No real good reason other than, nothing is going on. We are at home. No appointments. No home treatments other than the daily Heparin flush of my Hickman line and the weekly change of bandage around my Hickman line. There really hasn't been anything significant going on. Just the continued loss of my hair. But, nothing that wonderful there. It's been nice not having any appointments. I have had chemo & lab appointment every week since November. Then, once a month you add in a check-up appointment with Dr. H. Not to mention in March when we started to go to Stanford. On top of all the well baby checks from Brandon. Those stopped in April at his 6 month well baby appointment until he turns 1 year old.

My supporters...hubby, brother in law, brother, & a friend of Eric's

What we've been doing since coming home about a week ago from Stanford is just enjoying our time together and with Brandon. Giving him somewhat of a "normal" baby life. Letting him play, cuddle with us, going on walks, visiting friends and family, and just relaxing. He's started to move so much more. Not just his regular "Army" crawl. He's full on crawling within the last week and even trying to walk. He does walk pretty well holding on to our hands or the table or couch or even when inside his pack-n-play. He's a big time mover. We really can't keep up with him. It's nuts! And, at only 7 1/2 months old. He's definitely a smart boy.

 A brother in law supporting me
My cousin Brian supporting me

The dogs have been very well behaved too. We've been able to spend more time with them and we can tell they really appreciate it. They love having their baby brother around more too right now. Especially since he's moving around more. Especially Azul. He follows him around. Sometimes he will keep a fair distance. I think it's because he's not too sure if he likes that he's moving around more or not. Sorry Azul, it's happening whether you like it or not. See, Brandon has been wanting to be in Azuls crate. Whether he's in there or not. And, Azul isn't so sure about that. He gets a worried look when he's in there and Brandon comes that way. So, we are limiting that. We don't need Azul to snap. We don't think he would, but you never know. It's just easier to stop it before it happens.


As of now, we have another week here at home until we go back to Stanford. So, we are making the most of it. Other than 2 appointments this week (an eye check up and one to get Eric's EDD paperwork done), we are getting out and going to places somewhat nearby. Just to get out of the house. Once we get back to Stanford, we will make a trip one day before I need to wear the Hepa mask again to the coast. Maybe take some family pictures on the beach. I'll have to teach Eric's parents how to use my Nikon for it. Or, we can just use the remote we have. Note to self, add tripod to my packing list.

Well, I need to get Brandon in the bath. Then it's bath time for me afterwards. And bedtime for the munchkin. I'm loving having a little downtime right now. And being able to help out a little around the house. Eric still has to do a lot of it, but I am helping where I can.

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