Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day +29

It's been a little while since I've written. Nothing new has happened with my battle/fight/kicking butt since then either. I had a doctors appointment with my Kaiser oncologist, Dr. H, last Friday. It wasn't much new. Mainly so he could see me again and have a check up on his side since everything has been at Stanford since the beginning of May. He congratulated us on the "no sign of cancer in my body" notification and we talked a little about what we will be doing in the coming months. He wasn't sure exactly when at the time, but he said I would be back on Zometa. Zometa is the IV medication which helps my bones. Since, the transplant doesn't fix/repair the compression fractures I have in my lumbar and T12 region. This morning, I got the call that he wants to start me on that (it's only once a month usually) after the 14th of July. So, July 20th will be my 1st Zometa IV since the end of April.

Other than that, nothing new is going on health wise. Today is day +29. It's been 29 days since my transplant. And I feel amazing each day. Sometimes I get sick still. I think it's from the chemo. But not too much. It comes on fast and is gone fast. It doesn't take me away from my day or Brandon really. Which, he's got me on my toes. He is constantly moving it seems. Crawling all over the place. I feel bad for Azul because Brandon loves to get into his crate. So, I have to keep it closed. Usually, when Azul is needing some "alone time" he will go in there and lay down for a while. Unfortunately, a lot of the times it's closed. I try to remember to open it up again once Brandon is going to nap. Since he naps in my arms. And for at least 90 minutes now...when he does nap. He spends probably half the time of his nap fighting it. Finally giving in and taking a 90 minute nap.

Something I've been thinking of a lot lately is being able to decorate the house. Well, redecorating it. I want to paint the downstairs. The living and dining rooms. I want to get the crate console table put together and brought inside to use. I want to make a new baby gate out of the pallets we have in the garage. Of course, a lot of baby proofing of this place needs to be done too. We want to get rid of excess "junk" laying around. Selling it and then there is also the stuff to just throw away. So much I'd like to do, but really, no time at all. Or at least no time and energy right now. Energy is the main thing. Mine is still building itself back up. And, Brandon usually takes most of what I do have since he is a crawling fool. Not to mention, he's on the verge of walking too. Just today he started to stand by himself. Not holding on to anything. With that, I will probably be minus in energy to do anything around the house.

Soon enough I will be going back to work. Which, I need to talk to my doctor about. I need to know how much more catastrophic leave I will need. I have mixed emotions though about going back to work. I have spent basically 9 months now tomorrow, home with my little man, and I love it. If only there was a way to make, easily, the money I make working while staying home with him. I know Eric and I have talked about me becoming a writer. Publishing books, etc. But, that could take a while. So much to do and think about. I know we will be spending most of our paychecks on child care when that time comes also. Which, isn't going to be fun. I think I need to actually play the lottery and win! Isn't that what we all say?

Well, I'm just rambling now. Little man is standing next to me as I type this. Standing, as in not holding on to anything. And now he's sitting. Just like that. Not long before he's walking. I should go. No more rambling and small talk. I just wanted to give a quick update since it's been a while since I wrote.

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