Friday, July 22, 2016

Weight Loss

Its no secret that I've lost weight. Quite a bit actually. It started back in June 2014 when I started my Beachbody workouts. I love those workouts. Through that summer, 10 weeks really, I lost 10 pounds. All from eating healthier and working out. I got pregnant pretty quick after those 10 weeks were over and slacked a bit on my workouts. Basically, laziness and also because I had horrible morning sickness. Then by the time I got home from work I was exhausted. When we lost that pregnancy, I didn't do any workouts until around New Years. The reason for that was because I did something to my back from the back labor I had with that miscarriage. I got back to the workouts and in a month I lost another 5 pounds. I was feeling healthy again. Then, a month after that, we found out we were pregnant again. This time I decided to keep working out. No matter what. It's not just good for me, but also for the baby. 

Just can see we have the same eye color in this picture.

Through my whole pregnancy and even after my MM diagnosis, I only gained a total of 10 pounds. Even with not being able to workout except to walk when I got my diagnosis. After having Brandon, I was able to drop back down to my pre-pregnancy weight within a week. I attribute it to the working out I did and keeping healthy through my pregnancy. Even once I was only allowed to walk. I pretty much held that weight until now. Well, until after my transplant. 

I know it's not the healthiest way, but after my transplant, I have lost 9 pounds in 1 1/2 months. The majority of it was from that week I was hospitalized. Due to the mucusitis I had, I couldn't eat or drink much. At least for fluid wise, I was hooked up to an IV constantly. Food was really hard. I either wouldn't eat or would have popsicles or ice cream. Something cold and easy to go down my throat. I don't know exactly how much I lost that week, but I'm sure it was at least 5 pounds. Since being home, I've lost another 4. I don't mean to rub any of this in. Because honestly, this is not the healthiest way to be doing this. I just couldn't help it. I am finally getting ahold of the eating again. I still can't eat as much as I used to, but I am slowly getting to bigger portions. The doctors and nurses told us this would happen too. That most everybody who goes through a transplant will end up having a smaller appetite. Get full faster. Which I definitely do. Let's put it this way. If we go to Taco Bell, I used to get a meal. Usually something like a taco and nachos or something. Now, I get maybe a burrito. Even that I can't finish all of. Maybe because of the tortilla. Who knows. I will say this though, my sweet tooth is really bad now. I can eat sweets all day if I could' But I know it's not good for me, so I don't. 

Where all of this is going is, I ended up going shopping for clothes in my own closet. I guess it's good I keep old clothes. Honestly, mainly my old jeans. They were somewhat expensive. So of course I'm going to keep them if there is a chance I might get motivated to get healthy again. I went through a stack of jeans. Probably about 20 pair or so. I have a huge stack of ones I am keeping and will wear. Two of those pairs I will definitely wear now since they are capris and it's hot out. I had a small stack of ones that are 1 size too big but they stay up, so I will be cutting them and making them into shorts. Then, there was a stack of 2 that are still too small for me. I'm tossing a pair that fit though because they have holes in them. In not the best spot. Guess I wore that pair a lot. This is the "shopping" I like to do. I'm not your typical girl that likes to go shopping. I will online shop before I go into a store to shop. Unless it's Target. I'll go into Target any day any time. Even if I don't need anything. I will go there to get my walking workout in. I got Eric hooked on that store and Brandon has been to Target a few times a week since he was born. He knows Target. 

All the loot from "shopping" in my closet!

So, now that I am down to my goal weight I had in mind for my workout days, I need to figure a way to stay there. I can't do my Beachbody workouts right now, and maybe for a few years if ever. Walking is good, but not at my pace. It's kind of slow now. Maybe it'll pick up as my back gets better. There's always swimming, but I need to find a place that's not too expensive to be able to go do laps. Everything is up in the air. At least until I get back to work. Until then, I will do what I can to stay here at my healthy weight and be happy with who I am. I used to think being thin was what I needed. Now, it's being healthy and feeling comfortable in my own skin. That's where I am now. And I'll take it. If I gain a few pounds, I gain a few pounds. I'm in the range I want to be in. 

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