Monday, July 11, 2016

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Let's start off with this...I can not sing. I can not carry a tune what so ever. But, I will do anything for my little munchkin if he likes it. 

Happy boy to mama's singing

Since Brandon was born, I have sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to him. It's the only nursery rhyme I've sung. Part because I don't really remember a lot of the others and part because a lot of the others are kind of scary. Cradles falling, Humpty Dumpty falling, etc, etc. So, I sing Twinkle Twinkle. In times of need it has helped him fall asleep. Lately though. Lately it is something entirely different. And it melts my heart. Especially when I did it last night. 

For the last two weeks or so, when I sing it to him, he gets a huge, and I mean HUGE, smile on his face. Then, he will come over to me and love on me. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Just to see my sweet boy giving so much love like that. Well, last night, after he decided to get up at 10:00pm after a two hour "nap" and play for the next 5 hours (everything we were trying wasn't working), I sung that song to him. Now, here's the heart melting happiness. As usual, he crawled over to me, grabbed onto my legs and stood himself up. I kept singing. Before it was even done, he opened his mouth and came in and gave me probably the longest best baby kiss ever along with a hug. Swoon!

That one little act made my heart skip a beat, my heart melted and how can you be sad or upset at anything at that point? Really? How can you? There was no prompting. Nothing. After it happened to me, Eric decided to try it out. He too got the same response. Kinda made me a little sad that he's just doling out hugs and kisses over our song together to anybody who sings it to him, but at the same time, it shows what a tender loving heart my sweet boy has. 

I decided to try again tonight. I got the excited happy faces. I got the crawl over, stand up and a hug. But no kiss this time. Probably because he was handing out kisses to me earlier today at my follow up appointment at Stanford (which, I'm still doing amazing my doctor said). He even gave me kisses with my "Darth Vader/Bane" mask on. I was able to get a video of him doing his happy crawl and smile tonight. Along with a few pictures. So, don't mind the singing. My little man loves it, and that's all that matters right now. 

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